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 Welcome to the landing page of my portfolio. In my portfolio, you will find some of my writings. English 102 at Boise State has taught me a lot to know about writing. It was a little more difficult than I anticipated compared to English 101. Although the difficult part was doing rhetorical writings, English 102 helped and allowed me to get a better understanding about finding reliable research and rhetoric. In this portfolio, you will see how I have grown as a reader and a writer. You will find a projection page that includes a highly detailed, thoughtful reflection on my work in English 102 on my sense of myself as a writer and how I use my writing skills in english 102. You will also find a revision page on the First Year Writing Page, that will help you understand why I made the changes I made in my unit 3 project. You will find an essay on my unit 3 project that was written as if I was submitting it to YSW (Young Scholars in Writing) and a revised version as well.

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