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Photo: Fix It Event @ One Stone in April


Spring 2017 I worked a student intern at the Boise Bicycle Project (BBP) to help launch a new mobile bicycle repair program. The internship entailed mapping community sites, analyzing data to establish areas of Boise with the greatest need for bike repair services--mainly neighborhood centers with high concentrations of low-income children. Then I worked in partnership with community contacts to set up repair events. During events, I assisted bicycle mechanics and kiddos. At the close of the internship, BBP received a program overview, templates that can be used in subsequent years for communicating with community contacts, posters, email templates, repair tickets etc. The program is designed for a volunteer to lead in partnership with BBP staff each year and is a potential opportunity for future Boise State student interns to develop leadership skills. 


Photo: Fix It Event @ One Stone in April

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